sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

videos about moldova revolution begin to dissappear‏

Proofs about the revolution in Moldova:http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=JurnalTV&view=videos&start=20

Free media declaration:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_myThiw8ayQ&feature=channel_page

This is how police wokrs:This citizen has authorization to protest and he is beeing agresed and arested without any explanation in front of the General Procurature of Moldovahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VyBY0Iucss&feature=channel

related links:http://www.google.ro/search?hl=ro&q=moldova+revolution+video&btnG=C%C4%83utare+Google&meta=&aq=f&oq=http://www.truveo.com/Moldovan-Revolutionin-progress-movie-part-4/id/3237601029#

please someone contact the youtube.com site and ask if it is possible to find the video that have been deleted, and try to rescue the collection that the user dorina20 had on youtube. there were more than 110 videos that were deleted and apparently she was forced to do that. if youtube still have that videos, they can be used as proofs. this was a very precious collectionand please download this videos on your computers because they are deleted from this sites and our computers are getting stolen by the police without explanation.the police get into peoples houses without and permision and take all they think is beeing used against comunists: computers, modems, cameras, documents.and the most frighttful is that people are taken from the street without explanaton by police taken to unknown places and beat them. some people are still missing after have been stolen last days. and police says nothing about their identity and the reason why they were arested, if this can be called arested

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